Monday, 13 August 2012

like mother, like daughter!

like so many things in my life, mumma bru was the one who first got me into baking! from an early age i'd be stood on a stool in the kitchen helping her to make cakes (and licking the spoon afterwards!) i would even make my own attempts - once she found me in the kitchen with all the pots and pans out breaking eggs into them! what can i say?!

my mum has fridays off and they were the best days as we would often come home from school to a house filled with the smell of baking and a warm slice of cake waiting! she still carries on baking and puts her skills to good use for her charity Farnham ASSIST (which works with the over-60s). she often spends a whole day mass baking and icing cupcakes to sell at events. the last time she did this i managed to get a few snaps before they were whisked off to be sold at the local 'music in the meadow' event.

so many cakes!
i especially like the cut out chocolate hearts! (all decorations from sainsburys)

i'm getting very hungry just looking at these so i think i may go and whip something up! more posts still to come but for now talk later!



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