i've been on holiday (on the gorgeous north coast of cornwall) and before that i was in a bit of a slump - so i'm so sorry guys! but this means i have lots of things to share with you so expect many posts!
so the first thing is about this super cute bakery we discovered in Bath the other day. (we being myself and my history girls as we went on a shopping trip around the city!) on a slight high after a good ten minutes or so in lush (damn that shop smells!) a corner shop bakery caught my eye.
'the bertinet bakery'
i love the styling of the shop - the understated grey colour but mainly the font! super chic! unfortunately there was a rather long queue (and by this point we were grumbling for lunch) so i didn't go in - but one day!
the treats displayed in the window (in a nice rustic fashion which really showed them off and promoted the home-baked image) looked divine - and massive!
the window display (apologies for the reflections!)
some day i would love to go on a road trip finding bakeries and cake shops around england - i'm sure there are some real gems out there!
the simplicity continues in the other window - i love the handing tea cups and pots!
this has given me further inspiration for setting up my own bakery (which continues to be my 'dream job') - although i would be wanting to create more of a cake shop/tea room rather than a more traditional bakery. but there is definitely a lot to be taken from the display of the bertinet bakery!
i hope this goes someway to make up for the radio silence - sorry once again! and expect many more posts...!
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