Tuesday 29 May 2012

end of exams!

as of 4:15 yesterday afternoon i had officially completed my first year at university - scary stuff! one of my first thoughts as i put my pen down after two hours of writing about medieval marriage and beliefs about death was that i could now dedicate more time to writing this blog - as well as having a summer of baking ahead of me! the sun is still shining and we're off to the pub for a celebratory drink. this weather puts me in the mood for a gorgeous peach and raspberry tart (a hummingbird bakery recipe). i've made it once before and it is so refreshing and yummy! (apologies for the low picture quality, these were taken on my ipod)

i remember being so chuffed that it turned out looking so much like the original picture (normally a rare occurence!)

after the pub i am off home for a day (job registration) and hopefully i will have time to whip up some brownies - if so photos should follow!



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