i am the new president! *insert fanfare and confetti*
i am so excited - especially as i have april as my vice president and amanda as publicity officer so it's going to be so much fun next year! (although possibly less fun than this year as i'll now be in charge, eek!) but i am really looking forward to it - april and amanda have already had some great ideas about how to develop the society next year (including april's fantastic suggestion of a bake-related tour around exeter). and i can't wait to meet the rest of the new committee.
so that's the main piece of news. another development was the other day when we hosted our first 'make and take away to bake' class. we're still having issues getting hold of kitchen space so we thought we would host a basics class in which people would make up the raw mixture and take it away to cook at home. we began with shortbread and vanilla cupcakes - both simple recipes. there were a few hiccups - which can only be expected the first time around - but it's all great experience for next year. so here are a few photos from the class:
and finally to round off this post and to cash in on the easter vibe - here are some nest cakes april and i made to hand out at the bakesoc elections. they are ridiculously easy to make - melt some chocolate down in a bain marie and then mix that into a large bowl of cereal (we used cornflakes but rice crispies are a popular choice too).
then keep adding cereal until all the flakes are coated.
next scoop into cake cases (as it's not a wet mixture you don't need a cake tray, any baking tray or a plate will do - just something so you can place them in the fridge).
decorate with mini eggs (the best thing about easter) and place in the fridge to set.
then you're all ready to go! they are super moreish so don't expect them to hang around for long!
you can also customise the mix anyway you fancy - my mum used to put raisins in them which i really like because it adds a chewy texture amongst all the crunch.
don't forget the best part - scraping out the bowls!
so if you're feeling a bit bored this bank holiday why not whip a quick batch up? i'm sure you've got plenty of chocolate and eggs lying around!
enjoy the rest of your bank holiday everyone!
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