Thursday, 27 December 2012

bonkers bananas.

(firstly - does anyone else still use the gwen stefani song to check that they have spelt banana properly?!?!)

but anyway - i hope everyone has had a very merry christmas and been spoilt rotten, particularly on the food front. i hope there's been a lot of baked goods to go around! this christmas i made chocolate orange cupcakes and white chocolate and cranberry cookies but more on that in another post.

for now it's all about the banana cake. this is probably one of THE easiest cakes to make ever - you don't even need an electric whisk. this is great when you have overripe bananas (aka the ones that are going black and shmushy!) as we often do in our student house (hello parents buying us fruit and it not getting eaten... whoopsie!) but this is an excellent way to put them to good use (and to kid yourself that you're getting one of your five a day).

the first time we (my housemate april was in on the act) was a classic late night uni baking session (which also demonstrates that you don't have to be particularly awake to make it!) we followed this recipe (although not sure it really deserves to be called a recipe as it's so simple!)

april's mad mixing skills

once you've poured it into the tin, top with a covering of brown sugar for a nice crunchy top

the finished result - scrummy!

this is best served warm: note warm not hot (much to my housemates' dismay) let it cool in the tin for a bit.

the second time we made this emma and april had the genius idea of adding chopped up rolo! which makes it more naughty but even more delicious!

so if you've got any bananas lying around and you fancy baking something simple this is the one for you!



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